Melbourne Legal Blog

As a business owner, you know who the key players on your team are — and you understand the potential risk that your business faces if a team member decides to leave and set up shop elsewhere. Everything from your client list to your plans for a new product could be at risk. You probably […]

It’s estimated that 20 percent of American employees — from all different kinds of industries — are subject to noncompete clauses. In theory, noncompete agreements are designed to protect high-level secrets, client lists and intellectual property from being misused by ex-employees who want to go into business for themselves. In practice, noncompete agreements can act […]

Entering into a contract with another individual, a business, a vendor or an employer can be risky if you don’t know what you are agreeing to when you sign on the dotted line. Make sure you read the entire contract from start to finish and ask questions. Have it reviewed by an attorney to protect […]

There are many things that can happen if you breach your employment contract as a doctor. One likely result is that you’ll be terminated from your job. You may also be asked to pay damages for violating its terms. There are some ways to minimize your risk of being sued though. Consider the following: Malpractice […]

When two parties enter into a binding and lawful contract and one party fails to uphold their end of the bargain, the other party may have the ability to pursue a legal claim for damages. In cases where the contact involved a loan or regular payments to be made by one party, if the other […]

You sign a noncompete agreement when joining a company, knowing that it limits the scope of your work outside of that company but also thinking that you are probably never going to leave anyway. This is a dream job. Then the company gets sold to another company. After the acquisition, it’s not a dream for […]

A handshake deal often feels like a good idea when it is proposed. You know the other person. You both want to work together. It seems like a great partnership. If anything, you worry about coming off as insulting if you demand that the two of you sit down and write out a contract. But […]

It is critical to understand a noncompete agreement entirely when using one, especially in the medical field. These agreements, when legally binding, can have a drastic impact on someone’s future. For instance, if a person signs a noncompete agreement saying they will not work in the county after leaving a company or a medical practice, […]

Florida homeowners buy insurance coverage for their home because — in addition to providing a roof over their heads — it usually represents the single most valuable possession they have. Homeowners insurance policies exist to protect real estate investments and prevent homeowners from losing their homes in the event of an unexpected calamity. However, what […]

A U.S. District Court judge has ruled that a teacher in Lee County, Florida, can proceed with his breach of contract claim against the school district, superintendent, principal and chief of the human resources department. According to the lawsuit, the man was an instructor at a public high school. He alleges that several district employees […]


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