Melbourne Legal Blog

Most of the sinkholes that occur in the U.S. occur in Florida, and homeowners here can purchase sinkhole insurance. Senate Bill 408 sets out provisions concerning sinkhole testing and structural repairs as well as a reference to the neutral evaluation process. What exactly does this mean? A little sinkhole history According to the U.S. Geological […]

Residents of a large master-planned community in the Fort Myers area say they are tired of dealing with lingering construction defects. They’ve reported a number of issues, primarily with water infiltration leading to rotting balconies and black mold, as well as inferior stucco on the buildings. The developer and its construction arm have sued a […]

When a person passes away, their estate directives may come as a shock to their loved ones. Perhaps the person spoke for most of their life about leaving their estate to a particular charity, but instead left it to one of their carers that they had known in their final months. Alternatively, they may have […]

Contracts are a central part of business, but there are times when companies don’t follow the terms of the contract. This puts the other party in a precarious position because they might not want to have to take legal action to have the terms of the agreement enforced, but they need to know that the […]

Each year across Florida, countless homeowners hire contractors to perform home repairs after a hurricane has passed. While there are many trustworthy contractors out there who do a good job, there are just as many bad ones who rush in to help. While there’s no one approach to use to pick a reputable contractor, the […]

In business, time often equals money. Companies are often motivated to quickly close on the commercial properties that they want to buy because the sooner that they do, the sooner that it is that they can start generating much-needed cash to begin paying off their investment. This is perhaps one of the reasons that Florida […]

Would you go online, fill out some information about your home, accept an offer and move? A number of Florida residents are doing just that, according to a report in the Orlando Sentinel. They’ve decided to skip the traditional way of selling their home – cleaning, listing with an agent, cleaning some more and holding […]

Your home is your castle. Before hiring a building contractor, you probably dreamed of ways to improve your house. If your vision does not line up with the contractor’s results, you may need to act quickly to save money, protect your legal rights and find someone to do the job correctly. As their name suggests, […]

Contracts are not meant to be broken, and the act of putting the contract in place should perform as a deterrent so that disputes can be avoided in the future. When the terms of a contract are applied to real-life situations, it can sometimes be difficult to determine whether a contract has, in fact, been […]

Trusts are useful tools for people to distribute assets after they pass away. The trusts holds the assets, which are managed by a trustee. For the most part, there isn’t much that can be done when heirs don’t agree with the terms of the trust; however, there are some situations that might require legal action. […]


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