Melbourne Legal Blog

A 72-year-old man is locked in a battle with town officials in Redington Shores, Florida, over zoning on his property. He said he has owned the 1,200-foot Redington Long Pier since 2000, but it is in dire need of repair. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection told him it was unsafe, so he closed it. […]

The decision to buy a piece of real estate may be a decision that involves hundreds of thousands of dollars. Therefore, if you have agreed to buy real estate and later changed your mind, you probably want to do everything you can to get out of the agreement. Ultimately, it depends on several factors whether […]

As we recently discussed, buying commercial property means that you need to do your due diligence. This isn’t always easy to do when you have your mind set on purchasing a specific property. We realize that you have your company’s interests in mind when you are reviewing potential properties. Thinking about the possibilities may cloud […]

Commercial real estate transactions are handled differently from residential ones. With the former, there is less governmental oversight and few disclosures that buyers and sellers must sign. This can create liability issues for both parties involved in the transaction. Following due diligence checklists can minimize both a buyer and seller’s liability risk. If both parties […]

Owning commercial property can be rewarding both financially and emotionally. However, while being a commercial landlord may come with certain benefits, it is often fraught with challenges. It is common to experience some legal issues during the course of your ownership. While it is normal to encounter some complications, there are some steps you can take […]

It is critical to understand a noncompete agreement entirely when using one, especially in the medical field. These agreements, when legally binding, can have a drastic impact on someone’s future. For instance, if a person signs a noncompete agreement saying they will not work in the county after leaving a company or a medical practice, […]

Florida’s 4th District Court of Appeals has overturned a verdict favoring a home builder in a lawsuit, meaning a case filed by a group of homeowners alleging construct defects have affected their properties can go on. A lower court had ruled in favor of the home builder in the initial verdict, saying the case hadn’t […]

Purchasing real estate is a big expense. It is imperative that you have everything in order when you make this purchase. One thing to remember is the importance of some of the paperwork in these cases. We recently discussed some of the disclosures that are required in Florida. When any requisite disclosures are missing, there […]

Florida homeowners buy insurance coverage for their home because — in addition to providing a roof over their heads — it usually represents the single most valuable possession they have. Homeowners insurance policies exist to protect real estate investments and prevent homeowners from losing their homes in the event of an unexpected calamity. However, what […]

When a seller is looking to generate interest in their property, they often make concessions to move the process along. They may offer to make repairs or to upgrade appliances, to pay closing costs or homeowners’ association fees or offer a home warranty. Others simply competitively price their homes. While these can help get a […]


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