Melbourne Legal Blog

Ponzi schemes abound, and many people end up falling victim and losing money through them. Fortunately, the perpetrators of these schemes usually come to justice eventually. Take one recent case in Florida where police arrested five brokers for swindling investors out of $1.2 billion in a Ponzi scheme. Ponzi schemes have existed in some form or […]

A U.S. District Court judge has ruled that a teacher in Lee County, Florida, can proceed with his breach of contract claim against the school district, superintendent, principal and chief of the human resources department. According to the lawsuit, the man was an instructor at a public high school. He alleges that several district employees […]

A Seminole County, Florida, community association has been awarded $3.8 million over the poor construction of its road system. The community was built in 2004, and soon after moving in, homeowners reported cracks, depressions and potholes in the neighborhood’s main road and along side streets. The developer responded that residents had caused the defects by […]

Your estate plan is not something you can create, dot the I’s and cross the T’s, then put it in a drawer and forget about. In fact, trusts and estate plans should be reviewed every several years — or preferably on an annual basis — to ensure that they perfectly reflect the wishes and needs […]

Finding the perfect property to buy for your business is exhilarating and frightening all at the same time. You are probably excited about the possibilities that the property will offer your business but you are concerned that something is going to go wrong before closing. This is understandable but learning a bit about the process […]

When we’re talking about any type of relationship, for most, it’s going to be at its best during the honeymoon period. Once that passes, realities set in. Partners who have conflicting approaches to operating their business often end up in court. Partners who join forces often do so because they believe that they can make […]

As a not-for-profit business or charitable organization, you depend largely on the generosity of donors. Donations can take many forms. Some people like to give monthly gifts, while others will give a lump sum in December to help with their tax liability. Still others choose to leave behind a portion of their assets in their […]

Undue influence when it comes to estate planning is the act of influencing the choices of another individual, many times against his or her own free will. It happens surprisingly often, including a recent case in Florida where caretakers defrauded an elderly woman out of over $1 million. Since senior citizens are generally not physically strong […]

A Florida man has been sued by his neighbors, who claim he has neglected to maintain his four-bedroom, four-bathroom house in Jacksonville, according to media reports. The man, 63, gained possession of the 3,048-square-foot golf course community home, which is worth an estimated $615,000, when he and his ex-wife divorced in 2014. The neighborhood property […]

The time, cost and headaches involved with the typical construction lawsuit are substantial. Whether you’re the buyer of real estate or a construction business, you’ll want to do everything you can to avoid such legal altercations. Here are three tips that will help you avoid a construction lawsuit: 1) Review your construction and purchase contracts […]


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