Melbourne Legal Blog

Melbourne, Florida, has many lovely homes, but even the best of them could use a new coat of paint from time to time. That might sound easy: Choose a pretty color of paint, buy a pretty color of paint and apply a pretty color of paint. However, if your community has a busybody committee, formally […]

You’ve likely heard of a case along these lines before. A wealthy individual dies. When their will is filed with the probate court, it’s uncovered that all of the decedent’s assets are unexpectedly earmarked not to those who were expected heirs, but instead someone else. Situations like this often give rise to contested will cases. […]

Many industries in Florida, from construction to communication, require a lot of different people and parts working together. Big projects can make responsibility for different segments difficult to track and agree upon, so companies and contractors often rely on preset agreements to dictate how they work together. Contracts make it easier to establish who is […]

Whether opening or expanding a business, a new commercial location can be very beneficial. However, with that new business acquisition comes additional risk of business litigation. It is important that business owners go into any agreements with a full understanding of the terms. There are a few key facts to know about the Florida commercial lease. Lease agreement terms […]

A contract is legally binding and must be complied with as noted in the document. There are times when people might not follow these contracts as they are written. At this junction, the other party will have to decide if he or she wishes to pursue legal action for the breach of contract. We can […]

When it comes to breach of contract disputes that arise between health systems and doctors, many unnecessary courtroom battles have been fought over a sheer misunderstanding of the contract terms. One common misinterpretation happens when physicians attempt to make sense of the distance within which medicine may be practiced after leaving their prior job behind. […]

The bustling metropolis of Melbourne, Florida, is home to a booming real estate market. Deals are made every day for properties big and small, ranging from single-family homes to towering commercial buildings. Each of those deals involves contracts, inspectors, buyers, sellers and often many contractors and subcontractors too. With all those people involved, it is […]

Construction is big business in Florida, and big projects require different types of labor and crews. Skyscrapers, condominiums and other large construction undertakings need the cooperation of many different contractors to get things together and ensure a property is safe and secure. When conflicts come up between contractors, they can often be resolved with clear […]

Real estate closings can be complex and often confusing. That is why it is best to have a real estate attorney assist with the closing process, especially if you are buying or selling commercial property. Real estate attorneys deal with these types of transactions on a daily basis. There are certain steps in a closing […]

When many individuals think about wills, what first comes to many of their minds is the idea of passing on their property to another person when they die. Few consider that living wills help establish guidelines for how medical decisions should be made in the event an individual becomes incapacitated and unable to do so […]


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