Melbourne Legal Blog

The bustling community of Melbourne, Florida, has a plethora of real estate developments. Those include commercial properties and residences that range from mansions to condominiums. When things goes wrong with them, the things that go wrong always come with a price, and someone has to pay. That results in real estate litigation. Hurricane Matthew severely […]

Having issues with real estate transactions are difficult to handle. There are many different problems that can come up with these transactions, so there isn’t really any way that you can prepare for all of them. It is imperative that you think carefully about each problem individually as it comes up. You can’t try to […]

If you are a commercial real estate investor, you likely know the basic principles of what to look for in a prospective property. You want an investment that is in good condition, priced reasonably and can be ready to rent quickly. These factors are not the only ones you should be taking into consideration, though. […]

When natural disasters occur, as unfortunate as it is, some entrepreneurs have one thing on their mind: how to make money off of them — and Florida has its share of disasters. Hurricanes or stormy weather is common at certain times of the year when you live in a coastal-peninsula state. Even without a direct […]

Construction is an enormous industry in Florida, and large and complex projects require hundreds of people and several companies to complete. Defects in skyscrapers and other large buildings are rare, but any one problem can cause a variety of hazards that demand repairs and expensive delays. Most contractors and construction companies are required to carry […]

Charitable trusts are a great way to contribute to a charity you are passionate about. With a charitable trust, you have the flexibility to control how you want your contributions donated. You can also give to more than one charity or beneficiary. There are two types of charitable “split-interest” trusts, including a charitable remainder trust […]

Many people let others know the contents of their estate plan before they die. This gives you an idea of what you should expect. While this is usually how things happen, there is a chance that something in the estate plan is going to be different from what you expected it to be. These instances […]

Melbourne, Florida, is one of the busiest real estate markets in the country. Millions of dollars of transactions are done every year, with real estate closings being a major source of revenue. Of course, it is important for prospective buyers, and their brokers, to do due diligence. By doing their homework about the property they […]

One of perhaps the longest standing reasons neighors quarrel is because of disputes over property boundaries. Generally, when someone buys a parcel of land, he or she has a survey conducted in order to document what the limits are of the property he or she plans to purchase. When some degree of dissension arises over […]

People draft wills in order to prevent fighting or confusion in regard to their wishes for their estates. However, certain circumstances may lead to estate litigation. It may be possible to prevent this from occurring. There are a few ways to decrease the possibility of a will contest. Include targeted provisions When people suspect that there […]


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