Melbourne Legal Blog

Hiring someone to build something for you or to fix an existing structure is likely going to involve a contract between you and the contractor. This contract means that you have an expectation of the work that will be performed and the contractor has an expectation for what you are going to pay. Many construction […]

Melbourne, Florida, is on of the premier real estate development areas in the United States. There are a high volume of real estate closings every year. Those include closings in commercial real estate deals, like when someone buys an apartment building. Of course, buying an apartment building is a significant financial expenditure, so those who […]

We hear, over the course of our lives, about how important it is to have a will in place to designate what we want to become of our assets once we pass on. Despite this, many people fail to draft one. The state has intestate succession laws in place for handling such situations. Alternatively, an […]

When planning their wills, individuals have the option to delegate their assets as they please. However, some beneficiaries may not agree with the delegation and may petition the courts to reverse or alter the request as the will states. In cases where the petitioning party claims undue influence, it is important to understand what such […]

There is no question that contracts hold an important place in business dealings between different entities. Having a solid contract in place can help parties avoid disputes altogether or provide a foundation upon which to resolve them. Unfortunately, when one or more parties breach a contract, it muddies the water for everyone. Even when a […]

Florida is undergoing a construction boom as real estate properties tries to keep pace with the burgeoning economy. This trend is especially noticeable near the urban centers of central and southern Florida, where many different types of construction projects are providing thousands of units of housing and commercial space. Large and complicated projects require several […]

Melbourne, Florida, is known to be a popular place for real estate development. The area has an array of properties for both permanent residents and those visiting the state as tourists or on business. When something is seriously wrong with one of those properties, one or more affected parties may pursue real estate litigation. That […]

Although you might hope a construction project will be completed in accordance with the contract without any major problems creeping up, this rarely happens. It’s often because big bucks are at stake and neither side wants to budge that disputes arise. Most contracts with contractors spell out how disputes should be handled. Oftentimes the first […]

Perhaps you have a complex family situation. For example, you might have a second spouse and stepchildren plus children from your first marriage, one of whom has special needs. You have a primary residence and a vacation home, investments, retirement accounts and a good income. Now you are thinking about your will and how you […]

Construction defects are an issue for some people who have their homes renovated or repaired. These defects can come from shoddy materials or subpar workmanship, but the result is the same. The home might not be safe to live in and the work might all have to be redone again. When you suspect that you […]


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