Melbourne Legal Blog

Construction litigation occurs for a variety of reasons. Essentially, any kind of unresolved construction dispute between clients and contractors can lead to litigation. Disputes between these parties happen a lot more often than you may think, especially in Florida’s booming construction industry. Regardless of whether you are a developer or a contractor, you will likely […]

The city of Boca Raton is currently being sued by two of its residents for what they allege to be an illegal bending of the city’s zoning regulations. The two residents have unsuccessfully filed two different lawsuits against the city since March of last year, with the plaintiffs arguing each time that the city’s issuance […]

Hiring a contractor to do work is something that is very serious. Almost everyone in this area has probably heard horror stories about contractors who get down payments to do work and then don’t complete the job. This is something that is simply unacceptable. We know that you have a lot on your plate when […]

Making sure that all your bases are covered when you are working on a real estate transaction is necessary to ensure that your interests are protected. There are several things that can happen that might require you to take further action when you are in this situation. We know that you have a lot on […]

Thinking about the legal aspects of starting your new business may not be as much fun as choosing the company name or working out goals for the first year of operation. Still, you should get the ball rolling on a few important legal agreements. You may not have trade secrets to protect, and you might […]

Perhaps you and two friends formed a partnership a few years ago. The business you created was doing well until recently, when it appears that one of the founders began working in his own interests instead of those that would benefit the company. You believe he has violated the terms of the partnership agreement you all […]

In this increasingly technological era, many people would probably assume that an individual recording his or her last will and testament by stepping in front of a webcam is legal. However, in Florida, it’s not. During the past few years, tech companies have begun lobbying Florida legislators to modify state law to legalize video recorded […]

It’s finally happening – you’ve perfected the business plan, secured investors and found the right site for your commercial enterprise. Businesses and their properties need legal protection, from purchase to management, to make sure the goal of this hard work is secure. Escrow helps solve any issues of trust or mutual understanding between the buying […]

When an agreement or contract is made between two or more entities, either side can violate the agreement with a breach of contract. These violations harm the Florida economy and the way people do business in the state. For example, if a person gets away with breaching a contract, others might begin to think it […]

The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Department announced on July 17, 2017 that they had arrested nine men for posing as licensed contractors. A spokesperson for the police department describes the men as being smooth-talking businessmen that despite having the ability to talk a good game, lacked the necessary skills to properly carry out the most basic […]


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