Melbourne Legal Blog

If you are planning to purchase a commercial property, no matter the size, you probably want to know what to expect when dealing with the closing costs. Closing costs are included in every real estate transaction and they are similar to the ones you face when buying residential property in Florida. When preparing to buy […]

When you hire a Florida contractor to work on your home or business, you probably feel that it is a critical undertaking. You also probably expect the contractor to do exactly what the job requires according to your agreement. What happens if the contractor does not perform in accordance with your agreement? What can you […]

Some employees have contracts that they are bound by when they accept a job. These employees should make sure that they comply with the conditions of the contracts. Employers must do the same thing. One contract type that is important for businesses is one that includes a noncompete clause. This clause prevents the workers from […]

You didn’t mean to fall behind on your payments, but month after month, you couldn’t pay the bill for your home. Now, you’ve been served a notice, and your home is going to auction. After a foreclosure, you may not believe there is any way to get your home back. Interestingly, there is. In some […]

Residents of Melbourne, Florida, engage in a high volume of real estate transactions. Many of these transactions go well, and lead to development that directly benefits the community. Some of the transactions, however, do not go well, and those can result in real estate litigation. Transactions that go awry can include those for timeshares. In […]

The day you close on your home might be referred to as “settlement day” or when you “close on escrow.” No matter what you call it, it’s the day in which the buyer and seller meet at the table to officially sign over the rights to the property from one owner to another. If you’re […]

Going through foreclosure is a difficult process whether you own residential or commercial property. Foreclosure is the end of an era for a property owner that has come due to the loss of a job, debt, illness or even the death of a family member. Foreclosures happen across the state of Florida quite often, but […]

Landlord and tenant disputes in Florida can arise at any time for many kinds of reasons. The longer it takes to resolve real estate disagreements, the harder it can be for everyone involved to move on with their lives. Unresolved landlord and tenant issues can lead to stress, lost rental income and legal complications. It […]

When you are getting your estate plan together, you need to make sure that your wishes are clearly stated. There are some instances in which the terms of the estate might be a bit difficult to understand. These would include things like confusing wills or conflicting information. Avoiding these and making sure that your heirs […]

The Orlando-based Stratos Jet Charters Inc. filed a lawsuit against one of its former contractors on June 5, 2017 in Florida’s 9th District Circuit Court. The private charter company accuses an Orange County man and his current employer, Zephyr Jets Inc., of having breached the noncompete agreement he signed by soliciting its customers. In the […]


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