How Can a Property Dispute Attorney Help with Property/Landline Disputes?

property dispute attorneyProperty Dispute Attorneys Provide Assistance to Property Owners

Property and landline disputes are common in Florida. Issues arise related to boundaries, landlines, and other issues. But just because they happen often doesn’t make them any less frustrating when it’s your property in question. Working with a property dispute attorney helps you resolve the problem as efficiently as possible.

Property line disputes can lead to years of hassle and frustration. One of the most common issues that arise involving property and landlines concerns boundaries.

Though it might seem unusual to not know where the boundaries of your property begin and end, disputes over boundaries frequently arise with older properties. Information about the boundaries is lost or distorted over time and it might not matter until you or your neighbor decides to sell or make changes to the property. Suddenly, you’re involved in a full-blown property dispute and you aren’t sure what to do to resolve the matter.

A dispute over property ownership takes up time, causes frustration and damages otherwise neighborly relationships, and can be very expensive.

What are ways a property dispute attorney can help you resolve boundary and landline issues?

Understand the Issue

Property disputes seem to arise out of nowhere. Maybe you’re purchasing a new home or you or your neighbor is renovating the existing building or property. Fencing, boundary, and encroachment issues tend to be confusing.

Disputes can be contentious and unfortunately, end up in the courtroom all too frequently. An attorney helps you understand the issue, and get the documentation needed to prove your case and resolve the matter as efficiently as possible.

Sending a Demand Letter

Should negotiations between you and your neighbor not work out, you’ll need to proceed to the next step. The support and guidance of a property dispute lawyer are essential from this point forward. Your attorney will draft and deliver a demand letter requesting action and/or proposing a reasonable settlement. Settlement options might include:

  • Dividing the property in question
  • Modifying other boundary lines not in dispute
  • Monetary settlement

There are instances in which reaching an out-of-course settlement, even if the law is on your side, is less of a hassle and expense.


If your attempts to negotiate an out-of-court settlement are unsuccessful, the next step is litigation. Your attorney will file a complaint asking the court to consider the evidence and determine who legally owns the land. Your attorney will draft the complaint, gather all evidence, and submit it to the court.

The court might recommend mediation or the issue will proceed to trial. Regardless of the method ultimately used to resolve the matter, your attorney will guide you through the process and ensure that your rights are protected.

Property and landline disputes can arise at any time and create upheaval in your life. Working with an experienced attorney is the best way to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. For more information or to schedule a consultation to discuss your boundary or landline issue, contact Frese Whitehead & Anderson, P.A., at 321-984-3300 for more information.


To Our Valuable Clients:

The federal government has recently enacted legislation to assist citizens and businesses facing uncertain financial challenges due to COVID-19. We are here to help answer questions and guide you through the details of the various processes to procure financial assistance from our government. The acts are very new and more will probably be coming. But they currently provide for dollar for dollar tax credits for payroll for COVID19 related payroll, cash advances and loans that have tremendously favorable terms and in some cases, total forgiveness of the debt.

Please stay as safe as possible during this terrible crisis and if we can help you with questions about the new federal assistance laws, please contact us.

We Can Tailor A Solution To Meet Your Needs.

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